You can change your appearance completely and as often as you'd like.
All people you knew will completely forget about you if you change.
I will not

NukeOfficial8 years ago
It doesnt say you have to. You never know when thos will come in hamdy. I dont get why so many people dont like free stuff.... I thought this was the internet.

PowerPikachu8 years ago
Best superpower for a villain. Scenario: News Reporter: Some crazy monster attacked the local bank! [Monster is me] Police: There's some white wolf here. It's got bags of cash, though. [Wolf is me] Me: *Runs away in an alley way, then transforms i...[Show full comment]

DarknessRises7 years ago

22FDMM018 years ago
The test say I can change my appearance, non I must do it. This mean I have the choiche when I want, so... I CAN DO EVERYTHING!!! WOOOHOO!!!

Purplesinister3 years ago

BadaBomb8 years ago
Limiting your powers is not a downside.

Kyle Freeman11 years ago
rob a bank then switch your apperance, everyone will forget abt u and u will be rich

Whatwhywouldyou3 years ago
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MDarkKing16546 years ago

StormyAnne7 years ago
Every time I change, or just the first?

Saqill6 years ago
It suggests the first, by the way it was said. I choose to believe it"s just the initial.

DarknessRises7 years ago
I already look good anyways, second dont ever get rid of family so i hope the fifty percent saying no goes up

sonicj018 years ago
just give them some proof to make them remember

WholesomeChungus72 months ago
i hope you've grown and changed as a person

ayyyyyyyy lmao8 years ago
Gdansk dial folds idol USNS vs has Ann's chick mask mass band psi kendo slabs BBC's lap spans ban pagan and I palm a koala of end land band had kHz gulf and is km as FCK

CoolGuy956 years ago
What in the goddamn
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HYDRA HYBRID8 years ago
then what's the point of changing your appearance?

Slyde8 years ago
Good point.

Tianna Gibbs11 years ago
It's worth it

Moli Houghton11 years ago
mutant and proud

Josie Mackowiak11 years ago
If they didn't care how you looked you an just be friends again :/

So sufistic8ed9 years ago
Yep I'm a ninja

Ipressstuff6 years ago
Switch your appearance to Bill gates. Become the new Bill gates. Buy every game and console u want. Then get Bill gate"s mansion comphiscated. Rob it. Then build a freaking city bigger than Miami. build a college. With it. Become Donald Trump. Make Donald Trump advertise your stuff. Do it all over.

dudebro1018 years ago
Not worth it the social link I have are too important to me

Aerick9 years ago
I'd start live over as a motherfucking dragon anyway so *shrug*

CorbaKing6 years ago

JuuzouFanb0y3 years ago
I"d probably change once.

Phenomena9 years ago
... Forever? Even if I change back? :/

TheQueenOfCringe7 years ago
Not worth it. I don't want to lose my friends

Lady Mist ze Mishiva8 years ago
Okay, game plan: Rob GameStop, change, rob bank, change into Senpai, get on plane, trick Senpai's girlfriend into thinking he's cheating, change into dream self, get Senpai... Yup.

Riptide5168 years ago
Dont stop

nubblie8 years ago
fight everyone you dont like in school and sleep with the hottest teacher then switch your appearance like nothing happen

Oldiron_795 years ago
There"s literally no reason to press no. Even if you wouldn't use it because of the downside get the ability and then don't use it.

Doctor Creeper9 years ago
Not worth it for me.

KaiR6 years ago
Heh fine by me bai goodbye akward life

Mathieu Crow Zaiser11 years ago
dosent say anything about if you change back

luckylucky8 years ago
Could I look like I was in anime

Jaiden7 years ago
Never said how long they forget

Zlazerdestroyer8 years ago
Turn into huilk :D

RNGvideoinator2 years ago
Just kill someone famous, look like him, and then you ARE him.

jomama9 years ago
What if I change back, hmmm? ╚═( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)═╝ ╚═(███)═╝ ╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(███)═╝ ..╚═(███)═╝ …╚═(███)═╝ …╚═(███)═╝ ..╚═(███)═╝ .╚═(██â–...[Show full comment]

Slyde8 years ago
*click* If Justin beiber is gone tomarrow, don't question it.

ArnthBebastien4 years ago
You don't need to use it so there is no downside, it could be a useful power to have in case there is a situation you need to start over.

CSImegafan9 years ago
i can pretend to be a timelord woooooo WHO

Drundor7 years ago
Get paid, get laid, Gatorade.

Ipressstuff6 years ago
Find the 3 and u will become rich in a few days: 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222

Eric Booker11 years ago
just change back and they'll remember you again, duh!

leticia calheira8 years ago
Even if i just put bubs?

Saqill6 years ago
It suggests if you make a complete change, though I cannot rule out the possibility of minor changes doing the same thing. However, it seems only the first is the one to do it; the way it was said lends itself to a one-time problem.

Gamergaming9 years ago
a new life experience!

i like jacksepticeye9 years ago
ill just make myself really good looking then everyone will love me simple

Hazelnut_46 years ago
You can just re-meet the people u love!!!!

Magia2 years ago
*Takes over the world"

MRStraw7779 years ago
If I fucked up and did something embarrassing I could change I'd also set up a codeword with people I wanted to keep so they knew it would be me

Kittenlover1017 years ago
🔥 breathing DRAGON!

Kittenlover1017 years ago
Stupid autocorrect, fire*

LawOfTheSeas8 years ago
Make new friends! *sniff*... Make... New ones...

VitaliiDaGamer8 years ago
but can you switch back?

nubblie8 years ago
fight everyone you dont like in school and sleep with the hottest teacher then switch your appearance like nothing happen

setokabia4 years ago
just change back
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