There is a zombie apocalypse and you are left with unlimited ammunition and any gun of your choice while immune to any infection.
All of your friends and family are infected, you are shunned by any survival groups/factions and have to survive alone.
I will not

ThatsInsane8 years ago
What"s the point in pressing the button? If I don't press it there wouldn't be an apocalypse anyway.

TheBiscuitMan4 years ago
What is the upside?

gaychicken4485544 years ago
basically a lose lose situation?

ShimmeShimmeKoKoBop6 years ago
Where"s the upside? lol

James1117 years ago
Pressed it to get a cool gun.

Verysmartpersom3 months ago

JustJamin3 years ago
What If you made friends during the invasion?

KittyKat1079 years ago
Can I have a wolf? Pwease

RGPZ7 years ago
Would They Be Infected
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AlphaPredator9 years ago
I can become the cure and I can defend my loved ones

ThatCook 8 years ago
No, they die.

Vixa7 years ago
Sounds like an awesome game

nexition4 years ago
just get the raygun broo

Mike Walker12 years ago
So if I don't press it, there's no apocalypse?

JustJamin3 years ago
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Cguy8446 years ago
I will be feared as a mythical demon god amongst my fellow humans

Nichovach9 years ago
Become Rambo in the zombie apocalypse and immune to infection?Downside?

abcx8 years ago
Your relatives are Zombies.

Constipated-man8 years ago
So lovers aren't in lcluded so ill protect my crush she'll think I'm a hero and I'll protect scientists who shun me but it doesn't say that they hate me or want to get rid of me or that they have to know im there they can use my blood for a vaccine the apo...[Show full comment]

cutedeathpuppy9 years ago
i wan't to kill my brother

Kajalaka8 years ago
Wan't? You nee'd to lear'n ho'w to us'e apostroph'es in th'e englis'h languag'e
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belle kitty9 years ago
im NOT giving up my family

Tommy Light12 years ago
So it's almost like you're Alice from Resident Evil......

Sofia Isabella Pabst12 years ago

uughdesequestions8 years ago
I"d love that tbh idk i want it sometimes

Iliketrainz9 years ago
... cool

The-Pope2 years ago
Almost pressed it. Disappointed with myself.

SummerBlank9 years ago
An MG42 with unlimited ammunition in a zombie apocalypse? Sounds... interesting ;D

Ran Ren12 years ago
And then you starve to death because you can't eat bullets and everyone else has the food.

MelodyStars7 years ago
My plan from the beginning was always to get a survival area going and sell others essentials... my profit margin will be the stuff of legends.

Samurai_bat9 years ago
i have no friends and tbh i could do risky missions and literally save humanity by finding a cure

Frevaltlar9 years ago
So you get Hershel's shotgun...

diddo3 years ago

CMHammond9 years ago
If I choose not to press it, then there won't be a zombie apocalypse, at least, it would be extremely improbable.

gondigo9 years ago
NO !!

Lostfeather2378 years ago
I don't want a gun.

Batmanguy20149 years ago
how about no zombie apocalypse and everyone can live happily ever after

Echothekirby9538 years ago
I think I would be able to survive the zombie apocalypse if I had the Crescent Rose.

duggie949 years ago
missle launcher those assholes for shunning me, what did i ever do to them?

Alphamale7788 years ago
As long i don't get infected, everything is fine

Crow Claw10 years ago
Be the lone badass that everyone wishes they were.

DavDaBoss698 years ago
I DON'T CARE!!!! I would just get a fucking bazooka!

Ostrich9 years ago
I'm always lonely so INFINITE POWAAAAH!!!

235x09 months ago
i pick a gun that shoots bullets that in 2030 jan 1 cure all zombies hit by the bullets

JackSpartan9 years ago
If an apocalipse happens that will end up happening pressing or not the button, so...

Manning Libby12 years ago
So there is no apocalypse if I don't press it?

Joy_Love_for_Love7 years ago
Is it sad I"ve talked about a zombie apocalypse before?

eriklol38009 years ago
i make friends out of a bucket

Leafshift_Puddingsbane3 years ago
First of all i suck with guns and it only specifies such, also if im in an apocalypse i will be surviving it with friends.

PeFeMester9 years ago
No press = no apocalypse ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)

Shadowwolf36837 years ago
PSSSSSSST Choose the cure gun!

PiaVic9 years ago
Who needs friends when you have a fricken MINIGUN!

113575338 years ago
Just grab a flamethrower

ElaphantRumpHump9 years ago
left with predator drone with endless missiles and fuel ok

gibbs331x8 years ago
A portal gun is a gun😃

YitziP9 years ago
Survive Alone With Food!
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