32993 (34%) 63452 (66%)
32993 (34%) people have pressed this button, while 63452 (66%) did not.
Become the opposite gender
Never be able to change back, even through surgery/hormones.

srslyromi8 years ago

Mimmyl2 years ago
i"m warning you, you can't control your d*ck at all
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abbiebcheese8 years ago
Trust me boys, ya'll don't want to be us it sucks tbh

smashdatbutton9 months ago
I’m literally a hunchback due to my big ass chest it sucks plus I hate bleeding every damn month
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PTXistential.crisis8 years ago
No downside, I'm trans.

BobMcBurger9 months ago
What a sorry life you lead. May you wake up from your delusions and accept the sex you were born as.

fruitsoftheape1007 years ago
I will save the dieing people with Cheerios.

jshaw718 years ago
Nah, I am good the way I am

ayyyyyyyy lmao8 years ago
No regrets

Gamerz13 years ago
Periods are messy every month periods happening And the balls are too big and the girls have to give Birth babies and they cannot show their chest so Fucking man, boys are the best

InfiniVid3 years ago
Just don’t get pregnant
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Karl Kristian Fruelund Jensen11 years ago

RNJR6 years ago
Ok downsides to being a guy 1. you might get a boner in public 2. Thats all for a guy Downsides for being a girll 1. Periods with moodswings that make everyone hate you and you bleed from down theree 2. You get pregnant and live through 9 months of hell....[Show full comment]
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grimdarkpixels6 years ago
*trans people cackling in the background*

Zebra Boy8 years ago
Why would I want to become a different gender

AmazingSuperDan 8 years ago
Don't you want to fell penis in your vagina?!
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NorjavanGool7 years ago
they say you can't change back but why would you change back if you wanted it

Clarebear697 years ago
I can see if you"re trans how this is in no way a debate

BookedBeans7 years ago
No periods. Check. No cramps. Check. Hair? Shave. I would love to be a boy

Tehtrueblooky7 years ago
How much you wanna bet at least half the people who said yes were girls

Pootis84327 years ago
I bet every girl that read this clicked the button

Impulse1237 years ago

IWinzBro7 years ago
Seems tempting to press it, lol

OmegaGroudon 8 years ago
I dun wanna change my sex rlly...

kingsheep8 years ago
I will not

NCR Soldier7 years ago
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

MemeDream8 years ago
For most people, there are either no drawbacks or no benefits.

mariox2008 years ago
im quite happy with my meat and two veg if ya dont mind.....

Angel Eyler11 years ago

manjake1507 years ago
....the internet wasn't even invented 47 years ago.... go home, website, you"re drunk.
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Lucas Greenslade11 years ago
Opposite *sex

Duncan Van Ooyen11 years ago
Bingo! sexy naked time! (granted, it will only continue to please me for the first while, but then I get to be a lesbian, which could be really fun.)

Kinji Wiegand11 years ago

CookieCatDemon7 years ago
I like being a girl. Much more options (just my opinion. Please no judge). But... I just don't really feel safe... walking on the streets...

Hyltran3 years ago
Woman complaining about periods are the lamest the ever. As a man you have deal with your woman when she has her periods that must be much worse then actually hawing the periods. πŸ›‘ stop complaining girls

ADHROCKS8 years ago

ikovader8 years ago
Deh boob fondle.

TheNerdLord3 years ago
I would rather not scew up my life.

Anthros4478 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

Lanee1237 years ago
Damn i literally accidently clicked the yes button. But anyways I'm happy with being a girl πŸ‘§

MiceCrispie8 years ago
I wonder what having a penis would be like...

ItsADogLover6 years ago
Nope. Honestly don't see an upside to being male

PrincessRTFM9 years ago
That'll help me, as a trans person.

Hi7 years ago
Pussssssssssssy for days

zybersience6 years ago
Who even invented this?

Quinton Rhoads11 years ago

GAMExWIZ8 years ago
Can I choose what I look like and my age?

Mimmyl2 years ago
I kinda want to do it and also not, cause I like being a boy but if I turn into a girl I will be able to play with boobs all the time πŸ˜‚

jamius148 years ago
why would i want to be a girl?

holb99578 years ago
nahh girls are awsome

imavirginnn3 years ago

Rhett Overbay11 years ago
worth it, i get to grope myself.

MeisterMeme5 years ago
How it feels to be a thicc girl

JKPwnage8 years ago
Nope. I prefer being ugly over having a menstrual cycle.

Superduperbooperdooper7 years ago
Nah, fuck that I like my genitals.

bubblechaser1237 years ago
Oh god I accidentally clicked the button... I DONT WANNA BE GAY FOR METTATON (unholy screeching)

THD8 years ago

SuperDuperPsz6 years ago
Even tho I don't wanna be a boy at least I don't have to go and period and that also mean I know both organs of genders. I can just marry with my besties which is a girl easy

jarveline7199 years ago
Can I please? I want a penis!
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