36280 (69%) 16029 (31%)
36280 (69%) people have pressed this button, while 16029 (31%) did not.
You can travel in time.
Only backwards.

235x019 days ago
Just before I die I'll travel to before this universe existed in hopes to cure myself, Who knows maybe I'll find a deity that can help me.

Race8 years ago
Win last week's lottery and become rich

slashth4566 years ago
if you travel too far, you'll have to wait a long-long time to get back to present
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polska2 years ago
goto past and KILL H1TLER to there"s no world war 2

I find all the loopholes7 years ago
Get jumped in an alley. Go back a few minutes, don't go down the alley

Bertthewiser5 years ago
Thats a paradox. As if you didnt go down, then you wouldn't warp back a few minutes.

Star_Charter7 years ago
Yes. I can always correct my mistakes and go to university at age 2.

Thjmze 7 years ago
Lol. You ain't smart dimwit

GlazedDoughnut177 years ago
Scanning for downside, scanning for downside, no downside found

KarliMoore7 years ago
I want to go back in time so my mom could stay with my dad and i want to be 4 again

Sophiabunnyprincess6 years ago
What happened?
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Tricky7 years ago
Everyone who watched Harry Potter 3 knows that you can return up to 5 hours to the past without causing severe changes to the timeline. I would use the power to correct immediate mistakes such as missing the bus

SteakFries8 years ago
Atleast its "something" instead of "nothing"

smith99999998 years ago
i can fix the mistake of people being born

Sophiabunnyprincess6 years ago
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acheckmarker6 years ago
Go backwards so you have a longer life and never die

freepornsupplier20032 years ago
Welp, back up ya mum u go 😛

Fleecy276 years ago
there is no downside

slashth4566 years ago
yah there is

o_mayonaiise_8 years ago
Is this The Girl Who Leapt Through Time?

frerardisplatonic8 years ago

Krusek8 years ago
I can control it right?

Rem-chan8 years ago
Better than nothing, why are people stupid and press no?

ItsCatBreadYT3 years ago
No idea

ThatTacoDude8 years ago
I'll go the backwards of the backwards way

Lithium Bromide8 years ago
The Button actually reverses our lifestyle since we can only travel forward in time now, 1 second per second.

Bobmarley8 years ago
Oh my god
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Sh14l4b3w0lf8 years ago
Atleast we can see are past parent

JasonRubrum6 years ago
Life is strange anyone?

MarkusNope7 years ago
who presses "no" on this and why? no downside

DavitoSiechay6 years ago
Cuz u have to wait to get back but I still press it

Noarmpit8 years ago
You could be a popular youtuber with this. step 1: record, edit and upload a video within a day. step 2: time travel to last night so, you can sleep (That's what she said) and then, record, edit and upload a 2nd video) step 3: repeat until you have a decen...[Show full comment]

ItsCatBreadYT3 years ago
I don't need to be a popular youtuber because I already am a popular youtuber
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FreddyRules2287 years ago
i could just make things right

This Comment Won't Be Read8 years ago
There is a Futurama episode about this but only travel into the future.

ItsCatBreadYT3 years ago
Futurama is the past mate, the Simpson took over Futurama

ItsCatBreadYT3 years ago
Wait if I go to 1579 will I still be able to go back to 2021 because that would be the future

KonataLS8 years ago
12 hour back jumps.

GenjiShimadaDas8 months ago
basically no downsides undo button (unless you really go back in time then ya screwed)

Seapony7 years ago
Live like Merlin. Experience time backwards. Since you can't travel in time forwards. Like, at all. Cause follows effect.

Kevverman24 years ago
Ah yes, my Dinosaurs

rogntudju7 years ago
I could make my best friend"s father suffer for the horrible treatment that my friend had sustained while we were both children. Nobody would send an age-5 kid in jail for violently beating up an adult, right? Let alone if the adult is known to be abusive towards children?

Emmagoldberg036 years ago
Why would you even want to travel to the future?!

Stropey7 years ago
Worth it.

hibillysnob8 years ago
I mean if u travel back to some time you can time travel back

FreddyRules2287 years ago
I could go to dinosaur times!

redisica8 years ago
Yes,today i said some weird shit to my gf can i pls fix it? ;D

thet102 years ago
where’s the con?

JojoWriter6 years ago
Yes, but only to correct mistakes in the recent past. I don’t want to get trapped eons before modern medicine

detective7 years ago

slashth4566 years ago
if you travel too far, you'll have to wait to get back to the present, whatever you do, DON'T go back to the dinosaurs, or past one week

Loophol4 months ago

JimWatson7 years ago
Ohhh i could ride dinosuar

696969694 years ago

Vecktron6 years ago
You can't go forward so I suggest using it for mistakes made recently because after going back in time you will continue to age from then on, this also means you'll have to relive specific events

HapkidoSon8 years ago
You can never return to your current time.

AlexanderShen6 years ago
i can't travel to the same era after stealing a priceless artifact

Tristan5332 years ago
Well there"s someone I don't like very much so I"d go back in time and kill their mother before they"re even born yet-

AisCool7 years ago
No thanks then I"d be stuck in the past and can't go back to the future again.

AisCool7 years ago
I mean I guess that doesn't mean I have to use it but nah I probably just create some time paradox or something

Cleoleo8 years ago
That's the only place I wanted to travel in time anyway :/

Z0m41e6 years ago

DavitoSiechay6 years ago
Why won't you want to there is no downside wot is wrong with 6522 people?!?!??!?!?!
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