31590 (35%) 59436 (65%)
31590 (35%) people have pressed this button, while 59436 (65%) did not.
You gain eternal youth
You can never have sex again

Ace_Arts3 years ago
Lmao im ace i would never have sex to begin with

JMAS7 years ago
Asexuals laughing

ToughGirl954 years ago
Aro Ace cackling

Hannah Rashefa Gultom11 years ago
What do you mean "again"

watsonsword7 years ago
Yeah, really.
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Screaming_internaly3 years ago
*laughs in aroace*

Hazeleyes6 years ago
*asexual laughter*

CookieDoesGamesYT8 years ago
OPJFDSJITasdfghj lol idc if i dont get sex who would plus u would become kinda a virgin so idc im a girl anyway!

lazyredditor695 years ago
"Again" A lot of people using this app are Virgins

AshirriiIsnotsogood6 years ago
What"s the downside?

Giana36 years ago
Sure Sex Ain’t cool for me.

Mojilon7 years ago
Artemis Am I rite or am I rite?

K_K7 years ago
iL just masturebate :)

Laurel8 years ago
All the asexuals out there be like... HA.

Grim_G8 years ago
Nah fuck dat

CadenThruston7 years ago
but you couldnt

Destiel328 years ago
asexual bitch

Destiel328 years ago
asexual laughter

Hikari Jansen11 years ago
Already asexual, yay!

Okay_Selection_last year
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Johanne Sebastien Bach11 years ago
Eternal youth is a worse downside. Watch Doctor Who and you'll understand why this is a worse fate.

endertux3 years ago
you don't age, it didn't say you can't die
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Dayna Morris11 years ago
Joke's on you. I'm not asexual, but I don't like the idea of sex

Imperalista2 years ago
@loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Well you are not wrong.
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Conner Wolf11 years ago
Sex makes you look younger, proven fact.

Werewolf3697 years ago
So I can have it once and never again!?!?!?! Right?

llamas are lit8 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

AceFandomDumbass3 years ago
I'm ace, I m fine with that

My name is Tom9 years ago
I'm okay with that.

CookieDoesGamesYT8 years ago
What do you mean "Again" you really need wirting lessons

Flamingoboi5 years ago
Oof, I need to do it tho

Muffin_Horse9 years ago

Derpydy7 years ago

WhiteHatHacker6 years ago
asexual! >:D

ollieman20009 years ago
AGAIN im 11 so i guess il go to heaven AND have eternal youth

Xxxshadowxxx8 years ago
bookworm1985 1 week ago | Likes: 1 Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555...[Show full comment]

sonicj018 years ago

AstralFlame7 years ago

Apollo9242 years ago
I already am youth.

crazydude999 years ago
Hmm nah

Little Miss Spiteful7 years ago
eternal youth is not immortality, it is eternal youth

Kevin Sipos11 years ago
No no no no no (ive never had it)

Xx_JLouiseC_xX3 years ago
*laughs in asexual*

DragonLord7299 years ago
Fuck Sex now I've got enough time to do ANYTHING!

Dragonperson7 years ago
Iv never had sex

Adre Adri8 years ago

some_epicw0lf8 years ago
My dog just did a mega sneeze XDXDXD

Stare Of Doom8 years ago
I'm not a pervert

vQuueed6 years ago
If you gain eternal youth you can't even have sex assuming "youth" is below the age of 13

Karthadon6 years ago
It"s still possible.

glitter125299 years ago
While 69% did not 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Chandler Larsen8 years ago
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°) i will never give up the booty

Chance9 years ago
I have hands anyway

M.m.m8 years ago
A like withoit sexo World be so sad

TheAmazingSuperDan7 years ago
I"ve had sex before? !

jagman0078 years ago
I see no down side

TeamAwesomeness3 years ago
I don't press buttons that mention sexual intercourse.
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