You become as rich as you want
You have to eat a dollar bill for every $1,000 you spend.
I will not

5945458453084308408524 days ago
.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -- . -. / .- -. -.. / .. / ..-. --- ..- -. -.. / .- / ... . -..- / - --- -.-- / .. -. / -- -.-- / .--. .- .-. . - -. ... / .... --- -- . / .- -. -.. / .--. ..- - / .. - / .. -. / -- -.-- / .- ... ...

jkmc12058 years ago
Just shred it up and put it in your favorite food.

llebazi8 years ago
I sometimes eat paper, besides it never said you have to eat it all in one you can just put little pieces of the dollar in your food

void_893 years ago
Your not wrong
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MercedesCrowe6 years ago
Blend up the dollar bill into a smoothie

Da_kokonut016 years ago
I spend euro"s, no dollars >:D For anyone who uses dolars: move to some place they don't :D

mmdfreak14106 years ago
It would be painful to swallow a coin...

Charles Colton Allen11 years ago
Step one: invest money to make money edible. Step two: eat money. Step three: ??? Step Four: profit.

Wscope2 years ago
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WillYouSuckTheButton?.com8 years ago
I will make dolar juice lol

annabanana105798 years ago
Tht means my shit is valeuable. SIGHN ME TF UP

Peteza7 years ago
Eh... Money can't taste that bad

Kittenlover1017 years ago
Yeah! It"s money!

Whywhywhy7 years ago
So what? Paper is edible

Kittenlover1016 years ago
It"s a type of cotton.

Aaron Voborny11 years ago
How about... I press it... then I GIVE the money to everyone else to spend for me and they GIFT me the items in which they purchased. That way I get unlimited money and don't have to risk my health. That's right. Go ahead and bow down to your life hack master.

Bacon4567last year
That was exactly my thinking
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Nisawesome8 years ago
I wouldnt mind eating a dollar bill, it most likely tastes like paper, and I sometimes eat paper. Besides, if I can have as much money as I want, who cares if I eat it?! Not much money

Ironwolf8 years ago
I think we will be Donald Trump but we eat 1 dollar bills instead of small loans

Nisawesome8 years ago
Like, a small loan of $1,000,000?

bazsi8 years ago
There's eatable paper

Rachel Rivera8 years ago
Bake the dollar into cake.

Renee Pelletier11 years ago
In Canada, we have coins for a dollar.

PumpkinCube2 years ago
Lol, same in Australia, but is still rather eat an American dollar, coz Australian notes are plastic, I don't wanna eat plastic
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Emily Mullins11 years ago
ive eatin paper befor so im cool with it

Banzai276 years ago
Its not paper

Meggles Sploofimax11 years ago
im australian, we don't have $1 bills XD

Alzubar8 years ago
I form nz coins taste bad

Z0m41e6 years ago
Finally I see a good side in eu...

SBURBIAN8 years ago
I don't care paper is edible just scarf it down

spacemonkeypantz7 years ago
Just shred that shit up and mix it in a stir fry :|

ChubbyWaffle229 years ago
Just by the dollar and make them eat them self of give it to peeps

Cosmic Communist8 years ago
I wouldn't spend much anyway, so I'd probably only have to eat a dollar every few days or so (and that is including the money I'd spend on rent and taxes). Except the rest of my money I wouldn't spend. I'd donate to the proletariat and encourage them to de...[Show full comment]

Sarah-Marie Pryke11 years ago
A dollar bill cake :P yummyyy

bsand7 years ago
have someone else spend the money spend your money not you

yo mam9 years ago
ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BYrnTHE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.TOMMOROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOWrnYOU'VE STARTED READING THIS. DON'T STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY.rn1. say your name ten times.rn2.say your mom's name five times.rn3. say your crushes three...[Show full comment]

nisioanater6 years ago
I don't use dollars

puppy8 years ago
I don't like money.

MemzPF2 years ago
I could put the money in a shredder, then sprinkle it onto my food and I'll barely feel it

DasNichts798 years ago
Hehe € FTW!

AriBen6 years ago

xXMattsheafanXx9 years ago
Im a filipino.We dont have 1 dollar bills

3arakhe9 years ago
Euros ftw

DiDemp7 years ago
trickery i choose 100 more dollars

Ruby_Slippers9 years ago
Mmmmmmm..... Deal.

xXwolfgirlXx8 years ago
We do not have dollars in England, also here it is illegal to deface money. So I guess I will just eat a rice paper dollar each time

pokemaniac12310 years ago
What's wrong with eating paper?

tyler1duke26 years ago
I"d get it straight from the mint so i know its not going to give me aids

Elliot.20048 years ago
Eating you're literally eating a square leaf, HE'LL YEAH

arion10008 years ago
who wouldnt pass up this opportunity

Joe Hazell11 years ago
I'm from Britain so I would never have been spending $1000. :D

Luisnuckel6 years ago
Give money away

WildKatGirl8 years ago
Solution: Buy everything in pounds.

DickSuckTickeye8 years ago

NavyNash7 years ago
who would waste there time pressing the button, eating paper from OTHER PEOPLE"S HANDS can get me....what? cold???? yeah...a year cold.

Vhadros9 years ago
The downside? :D

l_bin396 years ago
Is eating money strange enough?

ockeybuto9 years ago
Fiber yay!

hellagay9 years ago
No downside

gagedude898 years ago

Darkolit9 years ago
Don't use dollars EPIC WIN
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