You get the superpower of your choice
When you die you will drown in mayonnaise
I will not

makigarpuusedfly8 years ago
is mayonnise an instrument ?

IKUN___last year
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achildofthanos2 years ago
be smart about this, choose to have the power of probability, basically you can change the chances of anything, boom change the chance of you drowning in mayo to 0. You also have the whole universe in the palm of your hand

Jordan Carey11 years ago
What if your superpower is breathing mayonnaise?

bobbbblast year
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NotCaptainAmerica7399 years ago
super power to have unlimited wishes including removed all mayo in the world GREAT SCOTT

MachuPichu6 years ago
I like mayo
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Uncookedham877 years ago
How can an instrument drown you exactly

Dogggirl3637 years ago
my super power will be able to breathe under any circumstances

Zhak98 years ago
How would you drown if you're already dead?

Bobithith5 years ago
The power to bend reality to my will, can't drown in mayonaise if mayonaise never existed. Sorry mayonaise lovers but reality is often disappointing

fuyufrost7 years ago
that"s the way to go out

Dogggirl3637 years ago
or my super power will be immortality

ismartromangamer6 years ago
once the earth ends you will be floating in space for eternity.

catacorntron30007 years ago
I love mayonaise, this is how I want to die anyway.

makigarpuusedfly8 years ago
what if my power is imortality ? kill me now myannoise

BoiBoixd7 years ago
Then you will drown forever

BlazoBoom8 years ago
Who cares if you die of at the age of 92 in mayonaise. Honestly. JUST CLICK TEH BUTON!!!1111

Coolguy101ofawe8 years ago
1. You get the superpower to give yourself any superpower. 2. Give yourself immortality. 3. Give yourself anything else you want.

xdude3148 years ago

endergirl18727 years ago
no, patrick

Darius Kovac11 years ago
Where's the downside??

Holy8 years ago

David Wang11 years ago
superpower: immortality DONE

georgiemilex 8 years ago
When the world ends and the universe collapses in on itself you will be left to exist in non existence in the void of eternal nothingness
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xkskx3608 years ago
so i would die then become mayo?

XxX-420BLAZEIT-FAZE-XxX9 years ago

VexXenZio6 years ago
or tru immortality

Merrickconnor7 years ago
But how do u drown if your immortal

MolianneCZ9 years ago
My superpower is omnipotence =DD and now..... I CAN DO EVERYTHING!

ckonnnne7 years ago
i see no downside

JessicaStutz8 years ago
Is there a downside to this one? Coz I don't see it.

ZoeTheGamer8 years ago
Superpower: ability to give myself any new superpowers. Boom. Breath in Mayonnaise Cannot drown whatsoever etc.

Dominus9 years ago
Do mine i think you will find it interesting

Yeeter_McSkeeter4 years ago
My superpower is not being able to drown. Especially in Mayo

TiffanyS8 years ago
I don't imagine I'll care about drowning in mayonnaise when I'm dead.

Sarahthecat10 years ago
Can't risk the mayonnaise.

Space Duck8 years ago
Sounds good

Theguywhoknows9 years ago
Well it does take a long time for you to die so YES!

sonic-php-master6 years ago
"Wat" button! I demand it!

FRZN258 years ago
Then I just won't die. Problem solved.

Baxter Dick11 years ago
Can i have a sandwich with that death?

YandereFox217 years ago
dude my superpower is to make anything happen whenever i want therefor i can give myself more powers and make it so i dont die #DemLoopHoles

Vicky_thallomax8 years ago
Wtf is this!!!!! Mayo why!!!!

slayerdart9 years ago
That's not even a downside at all.

Demented-gouyaoun6666 years ago
What the actual hell xD

bagle758 years ago
whats the downside

Bryan Rowland11 years ago
i have the power to change all mater at will my villain will be MayoMan

voz7 days ago
If ur superpower is flying can you escape the mayo ?

Winter647 years ago
this sounds like a fetish

Superman123459 years ago
shit question

SparkzComics8 years ago
My superpower: Super chugging mayonnaise

WBGrock8 years ago
I gain the power to breathe mayonnaise.

Erbigail152 years ago
That would be a weird way to die

xXsniperzXx7 years ago

Hericidal9 years ago

TeamAwesomeness3 years ago
to gokai change

LittleMissDarkSide9 years ago
I think id eat it...
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