The universe will answer any of your questions.
When you get all the answers, the universe will change all the questions.
I will not

Mammot4 months ago
I am craving bacon right now

carmenwinstead3 months ago
~<|: c)

Fazbacon9 years ago
but the answer is 42

Hellohello5 months ago
Favorite reference
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DiaperGrenade6 years ago
Me: Universe, I have a question for science. Can you make people cry tears of joy by playing "Tom Jones It"s not Unusual"? Universe: Yes, as long as it is processed by SEVEN "Tom Jones What"s New Pussycats". Like if you get the reference.

DogeSmash5 years ago
Epic reference
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Josap4 years ago
My first question will be that my crush will love or sex with me

Josap4 years ago
Mader chod ja teri gandh marvake aa bhosdike

Jaelin Williams11 years ago
All the answers are 42 anyway.

Josap4 years ago
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IHateYellow5 years ago
Does my crush like me? Best question

Josap4 years ago
Yes you are right

Dankstank5 years ago
I wuld ask are u gay then it will be yes

Blackvancandyman6 years ago
Thus changing everything about society and physics and ruining life for everyone

CollinCarter7 years ago
Hi universe! Hey, what"s the meaning of life?

Jakob6666 years ago
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ApexSpice7 years ago
My only question is how much longer before I have to buy a new condom cuz my current one will break from to much jizz (ya u use the same condom over and over so what)

Hellfire13098 years ago
The answer is 23, Jim carry eat your heart out

xXSpiderJuanXx8 years ago
Then you would know everything

kvk4life9 years ago
what do you mean by change all the questions? Like create new laws of physics? So in actuality your power is to randomly change the universe by simply asking it all the questions there are to ask? That's awesome

Hoovyspoovygroovy8 years ago

Areyou Mymummy11 years ago
i was about to go "OH DOCTOR WHO FANDOM!"

Laurel Glassley11 years ago
Use it to your advantage and change what you hate about the world. For ex:is Justin Bieber dead yet?

Wavedasher7 years ago
senpai yes pls (xd wut)

Martin Alexander O'leary11 years ago
I feel like this is a paradox of some kind

DemonZelie7 years ago
Ask yes/no questions so that when your done you just change from yes to no

GoldenRedSSJXavier78 years ago
Great job I've always wanted to know what's in this fucked up world

ASAP692 years ago
Is anyone still on this app

Scooper9 years ago
I'm confused...

NotThatGuy7 years ago
Do u mean Hitchhiker"s Guide to the Galaxy?

Cowbusta1296 years ago
i see no downside (im a kid

Hilary Clingwrap8 years ago
42 so i dont need to know... if you havent read the book u suck

irishdragon59 years ago
I ask for all the important ones. I leave questions such as "how many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Center of a Tootsie pop?" in the air for all eternity.

trevmay04998 years ago
Let's just stick with 42 is the answer people

Wolf1237 years ago
(Lil kids voice) whats the awnser to all the worlds probolems? Me: canabalism :3

Kamelululuuuu3 years ago
so why i wanna ask questions if it will not be my questions?:(

Chicyloon7 years ago
I don't get this

Quincy8 years ago
Leave one question unanswered, like why do some people like Marmite. Sorted.

Etheallan8 years ago
Doctor who did it

Hogger4406 years ago
Don't ask how many peni*** dagoth ur have

mogley19929 years ago
i don't think i could get all the answers in my lifetime, unless i asked for the key to immortality and there was one. then i'd be a bored god and the last of my species by the time a gamechanger came in

Triple_X6 years ago
The answer to everything is 42 anyway

Annea8 years ago
But if the universe is as infinite as it seems, you'll never get all the answers because you'll never think of all the questions.

JessicaMasterson7 years ago
That"s just part of life, the questions are always changing and there is never is just 1 real answer to any question if there is 1 at all

yomonkeys1238 years ago
One, the answers 42, and 2, part of life is mystery, what's the point of life if you KNOW what's gonna happen

BadBanana692 years ago
question: am I gay :|

James FitzGerald11 years ago
How will the universe do this?

100rage9 years ago
wtf i dont understand

Sho995 years ago
What I don't get it

Disco_Turtle6 years ago
there changing the questions not the answers

The Punderful LillyPad8 years ago
I know this isnt related but why the fuck are there comments from FORTY SEVEN YEARS AGO!?!! WE'RE THERE EVEN COMPUTERS!?! IS THIS SOME SORT OF BIG?!?

KDigityDog9 years ago
Find the 2 and tomorrow youy will be kissed 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555255555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.Count d...[Show full comment]

AjvarNinja8 years ago
Why not?

Caleb Beck11 years ago
Ask only true or false questions

Memo24473 years ago
There are so many misteries in the universe you cant fit all the answer in a lifetime

Inline27 years ago
Just don't ask what the meaning of life is. We already know that. It"s 42

sky lord the thinker8 years ago
whats the point also this doesnt make sense add a button for that

Baughg18 years ago
Just don't ask all da question
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